[Asterisk-Users] Psssst. The US is asleep - let's talk internationalization !!!

Dave Cotton dcotton at linuxautrement.com
Fri May 14 02:12:59 MST 2004

On Fri, 2004-05-14 at 10:59 +0200, Olle E. Johansson wrote:
> Stephan Wik wrote:
> > Splendid. Do we get a
> > 
> > us - American English
> > en - English
> We certainly need to look into country variants.
> Since we have learned quite a lot, I think we're ready to go for
> en_us and en_uk

I used to work for one of the BUNCH (well actually I worked for 2), for
those that don't know it was the group of computer companies next in
line to Itzy Bitzy Machines. One day while at HQ in the US I said we
must translate the training manuals from American English to English
English as no one in the UK understood Baseball terms, outbreak of
WWIII.  The next morning I was confronted with colo[u]ri{s|z}e as the
new spelling format.

Dave Cotton <dcotton at linuxautrement.com>

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