[Asterisk-Users] pattern matching w/ Cisco dialplans

Roger grunky at rockriver.net
Thu May 13 16:38:09 MST 2004

I have some Cisco 7940's running SIP image 6.3 and a newphone account.

Reguarding my dialplan I'm having a small issue.  I'd like to dial


for a LD Nufone calls - however I also need to dial local phone numbers ie


Currently my dialplan looks like so

    <TEMPLATE MATCH="9,1.........."  Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <!-- 
Long Distance -->
    <TEMPLATE MATCH="9,2.........."  Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <!-- 
Long Distance - Nufone -->
    <TEMPLATE MATCH="9,......."      Timeout="0" User="Phone"/> <!-- 
Local numbers -->

This DOES work - I can call LD using NuPhone and call local numbers that 
start w/ a 2 - however when I dial local numbers that start w/ a 2 I 
have to wait 10 seconds for the call to be initiated.. ie pressing 
9xxx-xxxx, pause 10 seconds, initiate call.

Looking over the SIPDefault.cnf I'm not finding a value that I can enter 
that would shorten this time.  I'd like to have a pattern match in say 5 
seconds as opposed to 10.

Any ideas on how I can accomplish this?

Rock River Internet                          Roger Grunkemeyer
202 W. State St, 8th Floor                grunky at rockriver.net
Rockford, IL 61101                           815-968-9888 x102

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