[Asterisk-Users] Quality differences of codecs from PRI to SIP

ePyron Felix Deierlein fd at ePyron.de
Tue May 4 08:30:26 MST 2004

Hello all,

I have googled a bit, but was not able to a definite answer (maybe there is
not one..)
The question is, how different would be the voice qualitiy, if you let
translate * from alaw (PRI) to gsm instead of using alaw as codec for sip.
And also how would echo and the processor load be affected?

The point is, I really would like to use IAX Phone, but is has no alaw
codec... (it seems that there is not any win iax client with alaw/mylaw)...

I hope you have some ideas and hits



Felix Deierlein

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