R: [Asterisk-Users] How to force G729

Manuel Wenger manuel.wenger at ticinocom.com
Thu Jun 24 07:00:47 MST 2004

> Did you try having two sip.conf entries for your gateway? Forcing one 
> with G729 and the other with ulaw? You would obviously need to change 
> your dialplan accordingly and have each phone configured so that it 
> would take the proper extension.  I have not tried this, it is just 
> really an idea...

That's actually a very good idea, and I have tried it: for outgoing calls it works like charm. But then the problem is transferred to incoming calls (from the gateway->asterisk->SIP client). Because the gateway now has 2 entries, asterisk is confused about what codec it has to use for incoming calls, and for some reason I can't force it, because the 2 entries have the same IP.

I'm starting to think that I won't be able to solve that myself, but that someone will have to program something for this to work... But if I'm the only one having this kind of request, I'm not too optimistic


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