[Asterisk-Users] Modifyed Prepaid application

Hekuran Doli asterisk at ati-kos.com
Tue Jun 22 10:52:27 MST 2004

Hi all

I have installed dhe modifyed prepaid application and pouplated the
database to. the authentication works fine also the read credit but I cant
send calls, I think there is some missconfiguration with providers table.
I get the following logs from postgresql:

LOG:  statement: SELECT * FROM asterisk_authenticate('23') AS
authenticate(credit integer, tariffid integer, activated bool, expired
bool, cardid text)
LOG:  statement: SELECT stoptime is NULL FROM card left join cid
USING(cidid) left join call USING(cardid) WHERE stoptime is NULL and
cid='23' and not (starttime is NULL)
LOG:  statement: SELECT 1
LOG:  statement: SELECT * FROM asterisk_authorize(1,'37744387555') AS
authorize(rate integer, tariffrateid integer, prefix text, tech text,
ipaddress text, providerid integer, countryprefixid integer)
LOG:  statement: SELECT 1
LOG:  statement: SELECT
ERROR:  insert or update on table "call" violates foreign key constraint
DETAIL:  Key (providerid)=(135236120) is not present in table "provider".
LOG:  statement: SELECT 1
LOG:  statement: SELECT
asterisk_acct_stop('1087916518.15','19','ANSWERED','2004-06-22 17:02:17')

I send outbound calls from extensions.conf in this structure:
exten => _0.,2,Dial(h323/${CALLERID}#${EXTEN:1}@212.150.*.*)

Best Regards

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