[Asterisk-Users] Possible chan_skinny problems - no ringtone, no moh and no queue messages

Steve Hanselman SteveH at brendata.co.uk
Fri Jun 18 08:18:02 MST 2004

We're using Cisco phones running skinny protocol.


When I call other extensions I don't get a ringtone, although the remote end
does ring and when answered we get clear two way audio.

When I call a queue from a skinny phone then I don't hear the announcements.

Likewise we don't hear music on hold on these phones, although we can see
mpg123 in the process list and ls -l the fd shows a pipe open from asterisk
to mpg123.


I created a dummy extension that played back the queue message, called it
from a skinny and it's fine.


Any ideas?


Also, I read somewhere that the two skinny implementations (chan_sccp and
chan_skinny) were going to be merged, any news on this?



Here's a skinny debug of a call being made to a queue:


Linux3*CLI> skinny debug 

Skinny Debugging Enabled

    -- Starting simple switch on '111 at steve'

Collected digit: [6]

    -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel Skinny/111 at steve-2

Collected digit: [2]

    -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel Skinny/111 at steve-2

Collected digit: [2]

    -- Executing Queue("Skinny/111 at steve-2", "Sales") in new stack

    -- Started music on hold, class 'random', on Skinny/111 at steve-2

    -- Stopped music on hold on Skinny/111 at steve-2

    -- Playing 'queue-youarenext' (language 'en')

    -- Told Skinny/111 at steve-2 in Sales their queue position (which was 1)

    -- Playing 'queue-thankyou' (language 'en')

    -- Started music on hold, class 'random', on Skinny/111 at steve-2

Jun 18 16:08:21 NOTICE[63531]: app_queue.c:668 wait_for_answer: No one is
answering queue 'Sales'

Jun 18 16:08:26 NOTICE[63531]: app_queue.c:668 wait_for_answer: No one is
answering queue 'Sales'

Skinny 111 at steve went on hook

    -- Stopped music on hold on Skinny/111 at steve-2

    -- User disconnected when they almost made it

  == Spawn extension (default, 622, 1) exited non-zero on
'Skinny/111 at steve-2'

skinny_hangup(Skinny/111 at steve-2) on 111 at steve


Here's the debug of the call to the dummy extension:


    -- Starting simple switch on '111 at steve'

Collected digit: [2]

    -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel Skinny/111 at steve-2

Collected digit: [0]

    -- Asked to indicate 'Stop tone' condition on channel Skinny/111 at steve-2

Collected digit: [5]

    -- Executing Playback("Skinny/111 at steve-2", "queue-thankyou") in new

skinny_answer(Skinny/111 at steve-2) on 111 at steve-2

    -- Playing 'queue-thankyou' (language 'en')




Steve Hanselman

Brendata (UK) Ltd


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