[Asterisk-Users] Need guides on setting up PDA on asterisk server

Holger Schurig hs4233 at mail.mn-solutions.de
Thu Jun 17 23:24:38 MST 2004

> I should follow this up to accurately state that audio was not
> "operational" in my test calls from the PDA.  I have patched the
> iaxclient library with the changes available from ZiaxPhone that word
> align the IAX2 library on the ARM platform.  I haven't finished
> compiling a new binary to test with.

If you want to even patch ZiaxPhone, you can't: there's no source.

There is something similar at my homepage, 
http://www.holgerschurig.de/qtiax.html. It doesn't yet run on my PDA) and 
lacks a config file support, but it's all source code.

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