[Asterisk-Users] Disable IAX1 Registrations

Christopher Lewis chris at endlessware.com
Thu Jun 17 11:24:04 MST 2004

I was just noticing that my asterisk box is trying to register with my 
providers on both IAX1 and IAX2.  They do register on IAX2, but it seems like 
it keeps trying to register with IAX1 also.  

Is there a way to disable this behavior, or am I just misunderstanding it.  I 
just want to make sure I'm not wasting processor time and bandwidth trying to 
register IAX1 when it is already registered with IAX2.  

I am using Asterisk 0.7.2 and GnoPhone 0.2.4, so I believe I still need to use 
my IAX1 channel for that.  Also, I did find a patch that is supposed to help 
this problem, but I don't know what it does, or if it has already been 
implemented.  The link to it is here:

Any info is appreciated.  Thank you in advance.
Christopher Lewis

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