[Asterisk-Users] No B-Channels. PRI. E100P. HELP!

Peter Svensson psvasterisk at psv.nu
Tue Jun 15 04:49:32 MST 2004

On Tue, 15 Jun 2004, Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 June 2004 03:17, Holger Schurig wrote:
> > By the way: what is on channel 0 ?
> E1s start at channel 0?
> I don't know anything about E1s, but with T1 PRI the D channel is usually the 
> last channel (channel 24 for PRI).  I imagine he's correct since the telco 
> says everything's cool with the d channel on 16, but I figured I'd throw the 
> question out anyway.  :-)

E1s (all of them I think) have timing on channel 0. That channel is not 
visible from Asterisk at all. E1s that are used for isdn pri have the D 
channel on channel 16 and B-channels on 1-15 and 17-31. For a pri they are 
referred to as call channel 1-30, just to add to the confusion. :-)

Asterisk always references them as the E1 channel number, i.e. 1-31, 
skipping 16.

Peter Svensson      ! Pgp key available by finger, fingerprint:
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