[Asterisk-Users] Re: Grandstream Firmware: SIP Register option gone

Duane duane at e164.org
Mon Jun 7 07:41:27 MST 2004

Stephen R. Besch wrote:

> I know that GS monitors this list. I just hope that they take this 
> seriously.  Breaking the no register option is a really serious, and 
> idiotic, mistake. They really are obliged to fix this as soon as 
> absolutely possible.

Some fairly serious flaws in either asterisk or the GS iLBC code as 
well. If I call BT to BT using iLBC with asterisk playing proxy etc, 
often one end can't hear the other, although it sounds fine on the end 
that can hear. On calls made to a cisco ATA the call often sounds like 
loop voltage has been lost and the call is subsequently hung up.

Switching the phones to ULAW and having either ULAW or GSM between 
asterisk both work fine...


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