[Asterisk-Users] MYSQL asterisk configuration

Hekuran Doli asterisk at ati-kos.com
Sat Jun 5 02:55:44 MST 2004

We are just working on a billing sysem and config from mysql. so we`ll
release it soon and it`ll be distributed under GPL. It`ll take some time
(about one more month) so be patient untill then ;)

Best Regards

Hekuran Doli
Yjet e erenikut 14/2
heka at ati-kos.com

>  f lamed?  I hope not.
> I have already started reading up on mysql and c and Perl and xml and
> java and aaaarrrrrgggghhhh...   So many things I need to get working so
> little knowledge of coding and so little time.  All I can offer anyone
> right now is good will and future benefits from anything code we
> eventually develop.  I just need help getting started.
> Oh well,  if someone wants to flame me so be it, Ill get over it and
> they will too.  :-)
> ---------------------------------
> Terry, not sure if this will help you, since i am not using it but here
> it is anyway:
> http://www.codecharge.com/index2.php
> PSS... and as Scott mentioned... can you send your messages in plain
> text NOT html .........

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