[Asterisk-Users] Small * issue

Eric Wieling eric at fnords.org
Thu Jun 3 09:19:59 MST 2004

On Thu, 2004-06-03 at 06:31, Vlok Stone wrote:
> I've set up a very small * system for a small local paper. The system
> works great. Here's the issue: I have one of their phone's plugged into
> the phone port on the x100p and if the phone ring more than 2x then
> asterisk kicks in and doesn't recognize it as being picked up and starts
> playing the menu. Can i use wait or something to let the phone ring more
> and not start the menu? Unfortunately, they are very poor so money for
> another phone or adapter may not happen. Is a soft phone the only
> answer? thanks. 

"show application waitforring"

          Eric Wieling * BTEL Consulting * 504-899-1387 x2111
"In a related story, the IRS has recently ruled that the cost of Windows
upgrades can NOT be deducted as a gambling loss."

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