[Asterisk-Users] DNS SRV records

John Fraizer tvo at enterzone.net
Wed Jun 2 08:04:59 MST 2004

Duane wrote:

> Andrew Thompson wrote:
>> Does anyone know if any of these options are acceptable substitutes 
>> for an
>> SRV record, or do I need to put in a ticket to have a SRV record
>> specifically created for me?
> As with email you technically don't need MX records, an A record will 
> also work fine. I'm pretty sure (long day can't be bothered checking) 
> Asterisk won't even do SRV lookups by default as it's commented out in 
> the default config... In other words you'd be better off with an A 
> record...

Spoken like a true n00b13.

You can *sometimes* get away with not having MX records.  You can 
*sometimes* get away with not having SVR records.  Both record types 
exist for a reason though.


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