[Asterisk-Users] IRC Etiquette

Holger Schurig hs4233 at mail.mn-solutions.de
Tue Jul 27 01:26:34 MST 2004

> 1. Reply with information, such as "Xc/min to US48"
> 2. Don't reply
> 3. Reply with a fairly useless "Look harder"
> The first reply would have been ideal.  The second option wouldn't have
> been good, but still better than the third option... but that was the
> one you chose.

Up to this point I completely agree.

BUT: yesterday someone was always asking me directly (with "schurig: " in 
front of his questions), and he did not look any hard at all. Also, I'm 
not a paid customer care assistent in NuFone's call center.

Because I was with others in conversation, I had not the option to ignore 
him. And actually I didn't want to. If someone wants to open a business 
as he stated, then he should be able to calc the costs, I'm not a  
personal unpaid support person for new ventures.

> By not answering questions you don't want to answer, you'll save
> yourself a lot of time.

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