[Asterisk-Users] Re: sample config file for GS BT101?

Stephen R. Besch sbesch at acsu.buffalo.edu
Thu Jul 8 14:49:39 MST 2004

Stephen J. Wilcox wrote:

> I was wondering about that too..
> Following the instructions on that page for config did not work for me. Setting 
> up a config file like the sample one made no difference to the phone (I can 
> confirm it did tftp it okay). Also the method references md5 checks and I dont 
> see that at all.
> I tried the downloads, we wouldnt do this from windows so need to know how to 
> do this to write for *nix but I couldnt get the windows app to run on XP/2000 
> machines altho apparently it will run on 98 but I wasnt able to test that with a 
> phone.
> So - is it literally just supposed to be a case of creating a blah=blah style 
> config file at <mac>.txt ??
> I note not all the options are listed in the sample, what about the others? 
> And finally.. why doesnt this info appear to be available from the manufacturer, 
> surely we shouldnt be reverse engineering?
> Steve
Here's the format of the file. It works perfectly in the GSConfiguration 
program I have posted to the list. I believe that this format is complete.

Each entry is Function, length, format.

File Length, Dword, Bigendian
	The length of the file in WORDS. Length is null padded to even number 
of words

Checksum, Word, BigEndian
	Value added which makes the 16-bit sum of the file equal to 0

MAC, Byte[6]
	Unique hardware address of SIP device.

	4 bytes set to "0D,0A,0D,0A"

	8-bit ASCII string which contains the phones parameter data in am "&" 
delimited list. Each parameter is of the form Px=value, where x is an 
integer and value is the contents of the parameter. The parameter may be 
null or missing. If the parameter is null, the coresponding value is set 
to null. If it is missing, the currently set value in the phone is used 
(that is, only those parameters present in the file are changed). The 
order of the parameters appears to have no significance (except for 
gnkey, maybe - see below). Example: 
"...&P12=110&P17=0&P18=0&P19=0&P20=0&...". There is no separator either 
before the first parameter or following the last. In addition, some 
preliminary testing suggests that parameters which have no corresponding 
phone parameter are ignored. This theoretically makes it possible to 
include user customized data in the cfg file to be used for other 
purposes, such as storing a person's room number, etc. This could be 
quite useful in cfg management programs. Example: "...&P20=0&Room=Oval 


	This must be specified as the last parameter. As with the others, it is 
specified as text, and separated from the previous parameter with the 
"&" separator. I have not tested this, but I assume that it must appear 
last in the list.

Terminal Null
	This is present only if the parameter text string ends on an odd byte 
boundary. It is added to make the file an even number of words long for 
the checksum routine. I suspect that it really can be any value you like 
(I have not tried this, by the way), as long as it is included in the 
file length calculation so that it will not turn up as a random value, 
or, worse, cause a file read overflow when the phone attempts to process it.

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