[Asterisk-Users] dialing wrong numbers

Dan Beldiman listuser at beldiman.net
Thu Jan 29 07:33:27 MST 2004


I am new to * and setting up a test system.
here my setup :
- debian (from knoppix 3.3)
- Asterisk 0.7.1 (from the debian package)
- AVM Fritz card used with i4l
- softphone I use for testing SJphone on windows

- I can make great softphone - softphone calls
- I can call from an outside line * and get connected to a softphone

here my problem:
I can not make outbound calls. I place a call from a softphone to 936108823
(assuming 36108823 was the number I want to dial)
but then get connected to some other person.

Is * setting any prefix before the numbers dialed?

Here the relevant entries from my extensions.conf

CONSOLE=Console/dsp                             ; Console interface for demo
IAXINFO=guest                                   ; IAXtel username/password

exten => _9.,1,Dial(${TRUNK}:${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
exten => _9.,2,Congestion

ignorepat => 9
include => ext

include => demo
include => local

when I place a the call I see the following in the * console:

-- Executing Dial("SIP/mysjphone2-7717", "Modem/g1:36108823") in new stack
-- Called g1:36108823
-- Modem[i4l]/ttyI1 answered SIP/mysjphone2-7717

now I hear someones fax machine and I hang up

-- Hungup 'Modem[i4l]/ttyI1'
== Spawn extension (default, 936108823, 1) exited non-zero on

when dialing different number I get different peoples phones, but never the
person i am calling

Could you give me a hint what I have misconfigured?



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