[Asterisk-Users] Re: Has Nufone gone belly-up

Cees de Groot cg at tric.nl
Sun Jan 25 04:42:29 MST 2004

Roy <asterisk-users at lists.digium.com> said:
>I want to hear about problems with VOIP vendors.  Sweeping them under the
>rug isn't going to help.  If its a valid problem please post it.
Yup. I understand everyone's reaction because, from what I've heard,
Nufone seems to be very high-quality on the technical side of things,
but you must remember that when Nufone is recommended to outsiders,
you'd like to recommend something that has all the appearances of
a serious company, and I think Nufone is lacking here: installing
a top-of-the-line trouble-ticketing system is a matter of 'apt-get
request-tracker' under Debian, and dead links to a 'subscriber
management system' (and - as far as I can tell - not even a simple
mailform to apply for a subscription) is not something that costs a lot
of work to fix either. 

Unless Nufone fixes this, and while we keep referring 'outsiders' to
Nufone, these mails will pop up over and over again, and I cannot blame
people for that. The fix is not to tell people to shut up, the fix is
that Nufone spends ~2 hours on the website and integrates a decent
trouble-ticketing system (another 2 hours, and if that's too much they
can outsource it with me ;-)).
Cees de Groot               http://www.tric.nl     <cg at tric.nl>
tric, the new way           helpdesk/ticketing software, VoIP/CTI, 
                            web applications, custom development

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