[Asterisk-Users] Couple of Newbie Questions: Scrolling, SIP registration, etc.

Larry Keyes lkeyes at mxdesign.net
Wed Jan 21 08:13:08 MST 2004

I've got two Grandstream phones talking to * and a X100P card going, so that
I can make inbound and outbound calls via the PSTN, and calls from one
extension to another. 

1. Is there an equivalent to the "more" command at the CLI to scroll only
one screen at time. How about a way to page the messages scrolling past when
asterisk is running? 

2. sip show peers shows my Grandstream phones, but sip show resgistry
doesn't  show anything...shouldn't the local SIP phones be registering with

3. I ran the script for creating mailboxes, but don't see these in the
voicemail.conf in /etc/asterisk. 


-- L 

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