[Asterisk-Users] Is libpri symmetrical?

Michael Welter mike at introspect.com
Tue Jan 20 14:12:12 MST 2004

My client would like to add new functionality, such as call queuing, to 
their PBX.  They presently have a Telrad PBX; it has a T1/PRI circuit 
from the CLEC and a few POTS lines.  They use DID for some incoming 
calls and an attendant for calls on the main number.

The client's commitment to customer service will not allow us to 
outright replace their PBX with a new system--we could never have a 
replacement system up on Monday morning without at least a few problems. 
  The proposed * system will have to be phased in gradually.

Step one of this process would be to install an * system between the 
CLEC and the Telrad.  The existing PRI circuit would be plugged into an 
* T100P card, and another T100P card would be used to connect with the 
Telrad using a crossover cable.  The * system would forward incoming 
calls to the Telrad extension (or attendant), and outgoing calls would 
be forwarded to the CLEC.  The idea here is to be able to plug the T1 
back into the Telrad if there is a problem with asterisk.

My question is:  Will the Telrad have a problem with this setup?  Will 
the information at the Telrad's T1 interface be different from what it's 
now getting from the CLEC?  What are the problems here?


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