[Asterisk-Users] Advice Request: 2-4 line, 10 station * system

PBXtech list at t1.bz
Fri Jan 16 11:51:42 MST 2004

Vonage for Business?  uuug
you need a Quad FXO... hmm who makes that?

Jonathan Moore wrote:

>Hardly finished building our phone system for our school district and I have an
>opportunity to sell and install a system for a local small business. We are
>competing against a bid for an integrated voicemail/switch that runs about $1300
>(without phones and cabling) and will work with analog phones.
>Is there hardware configuration (either using analog or IP phones) that would
>meet these needs and be in the same ball park price wise. If IP phones we would
>have to justify some of the extra cost for the IP phones in TOC and or features.
>Starting with 2 pots lines but probably needs to be able to grow to 4 with some
>kind of hardware addition.
>One option we considered is Vonage to remove the analog to IP conversion
>equipment down (no channel bank, or T1 card). When I spoke with them earlier
>this week the rep told me they don't offer a direct IP termination, only there
>analog conversion boxes. Vonage would work great because surprisingly for a
>small rural town they actually have local numbers. Are there any other options
>on that front other providers that will do IP termination of the lines and that
>can provide local numbers? If have some good contacts with a local CLEC, so I am
>even going to see if they might be willing to run an * server at there end so we
>could do IP terminations with local numbers. 620-221 calling prefex, Winfield KS.
>I know a lot of these ideas have been hashed out on the list in various threads,
>but I am wondering if anyone has come up with some overall strategese that work.
>We have a ton of businesses in our area that are this size.

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