[Asterisk-Users] E100P without q931?

Stephen J. Wilcox steve at telecomplete.co.uk
Tue Jan 13 09:34:59 MST 2004

On Tue, 13 Jan 2004, John Todd wrote:

> >  does anyone know if its feasible to run asterisk with a PRI card but not run
> >any q931 signalling.. basically push calls down the PRI and tell asterisk in
> >some other way to pickup a particular Zap channel?
> Well, not quite PRI nor quite what you're describing, but would SS7 
> be what you're after?

yes basically! i'm thinking of using a dedicated ss7 signalling box but dropping
the voice into something that can do the conversion to voip, play things to the
caller etc

> Are you asking for a PRI with no D-Channel?  Or a group of PRI's that share a
> single D-Channel?  If the former, I'm uncertain.  If the latter, that's called

No, I'm just being (rather badly) loose with my terms.. I'm not talking ISDN I'm 
talking purely of pushing PCM down a B channel and connecting the channel to 
whatever.. [ss7 is what i need for my network interface but internally i want to 
use our own customised systems, asterisk will do nicely for some of that..]


> NFAS (Non-Facility Associated Switching) and I'd love to see Asterisk support
> NFAS, for both immediate reasons (same-card and multi-card spanning NFAS
> groups) and future reasons (my hopes that someone will come up with a
> channelized DS-3 driver for Zap PRI interfaces, which would almost certainly
> require NFAS.)

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