[Asterisk-Users] FW: Matrix Orbital (usbl LCD or VFD) (oops, wrong list I think)

TC trclark at shaw.ca
Tue Jan 6 09:02:19 MST 2004

> > From: Kris Edwards [mailto:edwardskris at qwest.net]
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 3:38 AM
> > To: 'asterisk-dev at lists.digium.com'
> > Subject: Matrix Orbital (usbl LCD or VFD)
> >
> > This probably isn't practical for anyone other than home users, but I
> > would like to use a USB LCD display in my case to display things such
> > as:
if you grab the perl modules from citats site http://asterisk.gnuinter.net/
These scripts are used with MO VFD, to display call counts in the q usng the
manager interface
you can set another callback events & grab the caller id from a stateup
event on the device of interest
then write that to the LCD ...

then save this & include
---------------------------cut along dotted line
# Example script to show how to use Asterisk::Manager
# Written by: James Golovich <james at gnuinter.net>

use lib './lib', '../lib';
use Asterisk::Manager;
use mo;


my $astman = new Asterisk::Manager;


$astman->connect || die $astman->error . "\n";

$astman->setcallback('Leave', \&queue_callback);
$astman->setcallback('Join', \&queue_callback);

display_init ( );
display_clear ( );
display_write ( "User Count: " );



sub hangup_callback {
    print STDERR "hangup callback\n";

sub default_callback {
    my (%stuff) = @_;
    foreach (keys %stuff) {
        print STDERR "$_: ". $stuff{$_} . "\n";
    print STDERR "\n";

sub queue_callback {
    my (%stuff) = @_;
        $cnt = 0;
    foreach (keys %stuff) {
        print STDERR "$_: ". $stuff{$_} . "\n";
        if ($_ eq "Count") {
            $cnt =  $stuff{$_};
            elsif ($_ eq "xCount") {     #

    print STDERR "I got $cnt \n";
    display_clear ( );
        display_write ( "User Count: $cnt" );
    display_init_large_digit ( );
    display_large_digit ( 16,3 );

---------------------------cut along dotted line
# mo.pm
#   you should set the $serial_port to the correct tty below.
#   all cmds start with 254 decimal 0xFE

package mo;

use Exporter;
use POSIX;
use IO;

# editable section

$serial_port  = "/dev/ttyS0";     # usually "/dev/ttyS0" or "/dev/ttyS1"

# end editable section

@ISA = qw ( Exporter );
@EXPORT = qw ( moInit moWrite moClear moClose
       moPosition moBlinkOn moBlinkOff
               moInitLargeDigit moLargeDigit

# moInit ( );
#   opens the serial port in bi-directional mode and sends the commands to
#   turn the ( display on for a vfd | backlight on for an lcd ) and clears
#   the screen.

sub moInit
  open ( DISPLAY, "+> $serial_port" ) || die "Couldn't open $_: $!";

  $fd_disp = fileno ( DISPLAY );

  $termios = POSIX::Termios->new ( );
  $termios->getattr ( $fd_disp );
  $termios->setispeed ( B19200 );
  $termios->setospeed ( B19200 );

  $cflag = $termios->getcflag ( );
  $lflag = $termios->getlflag ( );
  $oflag = $termios->getoflag ( );
  $iflag = $termios->getiflag ( );

  $oflag &= ~OPOST;
  $cflag &= ~(CSIZE|PARENB|HUPCL);
  $cflag |= CS8|CLOCAL;

  $termios->setcflag ( $cflag );
  $termios->setlflag ( $lflag );
  $termios->setoflag ( $oflag );
  $termios->setiflag ( $iflag );
  $termios->setattr ( $fd_disp, TCSANOW );

  $clear   = sprintf ( "%cX", 0xfe );
  $noblink = sprintf ( "%cT", 0xfe );
  $dim     = sprintf ( "%cY%c", 0xfe, 0x03 );
  $on      = sprintf ( "%cB%c", 0xfe, 0x00 );
  $repeat  = sprintf ( "%c~%c", 0xfe, 0x00 );

  print DISPLAY "$on$repeat$noblink$dim$clear";


# moWrite ( "hi there!" );
#   prints the selected text to the display at the current cursor position.

sub moWrite
  my ( $text ) = @_;

  print DISPLAY "$text\n";

# moClear ( );
#   clears the display

sub moClear
  $clear = sprintf ( "%cX", 0xfe );

  print DISPLAY "$clear\n";

# moClose ( );
#   clears the display and turns ( it off for a vfd | the backlight off for
#   an lcd )

sub moClose
  $clear = sprintf ( "%cX", 0xfe );
  $off   = sprintf ( "%cF", 0xfe );

  print DISPLAY "$clear\n$off\n";

  close ( DISPLAY );

# moInitLargeDigit ( );
#   init the display for large digits

sub moInitLargeDigit
  $largedigits = sprintf ( "%cn", 0xfe );

  print DISPLAY "$largedigits\n";

# moLargeDigit ( $x, $digit );
#   writes large digit at column $x given.

sub moLargeDigit
  my ( $x, $digit ) = @_;

  $digitpos = sprintf "%c#%c%c", 0xfe, $x, $digit;

  print DISPLAY "$digitpos";


# moPosition ( $x, $y );
#   homes the cursor to the x and y coordinates given.

sub moPosition
  my ( $x, $y ) = @_;

  $pos = sprintf "%cG%c%c", 0xfe, $y, $x;

  print DISPLAY "$pos";


# moBlinkOn ( );
#   turns the cursor blinking on.

sub moBlinkOn  {

  $cmd = sprintf "%cS", 0xfe;

  print DISPLAY "$cmd\n";


# moBlinkOff ( );
#   turns the cursor blinking off.

sub moBlinkOff  {

  $cmd = sprintf "%cT", 0xfe;

  print DISPLAY "$cmd\n";


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