[Asterisk-Users] POTS interfacing recommendation

Matthew Bloch matthew-list at bytemark.co.uk
Sun Jan 4 04:46:59 MST 2004

Hash: SHA1

Hello there,

I'm drawing up a scheme to manage our company calls and would like to 
implement it with Asterisk.  In order to get moving quickly I'd like some 
recommendations on what hardware to buy so I can start tinkering.  Initially 
we'd like to be able to support one line to accept incoming calls, and 
another one for forwarding such calls to mobiles or other external phone 

My initial thought was that two voice-supporting modems will do this but I get 
the impression that the modem drivers in Asterisk will not behave as flexibly 
as I'd like, and/or that I'll need to get hold of very hard-to-get or 
overpriced modems.  Are either of these impressions true, or do people run 
such phone systems practically with a pair of modems?  If so, do I need 
specific modems and where do I get them? 

If voice modems will be hasslesome, I understand that Zaptel-based cards will 
give me the least problems but I'm not sure which would be the most suitable 
to buy for our needs, how much to expect to pay and so on.  Also bonus points 
for pointing me at a friendly/knowledgeable UK supplier of such cards.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated: once I have some known-working 
hardware in place, I'm cocky enough to believe I can set the software up with 
enough head banging :)


- -- 
Matthew Bloch                             Bytemark Hosting
                                  tel. +44 (0) 8707 455026
          Dedicated Linux hosts from 15ukp ($26) per month
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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