[Asterisk-Users] Grandstream transfer into outer space

Jim Rosenberg jr at amanue.com
Wed Feb 25 15:14:35 MST 2004

The Grandstream BudgeTone 101 phone has a Transfer button. This appears to
be a "blind" transfer: once you've dialed the extension to which you want
to transfer, the phone tries to do this and then "dumps you out".

My question is this: Let's say I explain to my users that I don't want
them using the Transfer button, to use # and let Asterisk transfer the
call, or to use parking, and again let Asterisk handle it. But, someone
forgets. They hit the Transfer button anyway. Then they type the wrong
extension. If they had transferred using the # key and let Asterisk do it,
Asterisk would have reacted reasonably to a wrong extension, but the
Grandstream doesn't know about all this magic.

So: now I've got my caller just sitting there, transferred into nowhere.
Is there a way to pick the caller up? I haven't found a way to do this.

When this happens the caller is still connected to "something", and at
the Asterisk console, sip show channels shows the call. It seems as though
there ought to be some way to "reach in" and connect to it ...

Any ideas welcome. These Grandstream phones are kind of nice. I sure don't
want to have to start out a new installation by *taping over* the
Transfer button, but if there isn't a way to reach a stranded caller,
it's deadly.

-T.i.A., Jim

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