[Asterisk-Users] Controlling queue size and queue options

Jeff Crews jeff at eoni.com
Tue Feb 24 12:50:27 MST 2004

I see that in queues.conf there is a maxlen variable to control the maximum 
size of the queue.  So...if you set the queue to a maxlen = 3...my test 
caller gets dead air if they are queued to a queue with 3 calls already in 
the queue.

I thought I could increment a variable each time a call is queued and 
decrement a variable when the call is connected to the agent...however I do 
not know how to build such a structure in extensions.conf to make this 
work.  It also *seems* like when an agent releases/hangs up/finishes a 
call...that the incoming caller is disconnected in such a way that 
additional steps in the dialing plan in extensions.conf are not processed.

Does anyone have a sample extensions.conf I can see that does something 
like this?

I thought I would try to give call center managers the ability to dial an 
extension, be authenticated, and then enter a number of their choice to 
allow them to set how many calls can be in a given queue so that if there 
are more agents available...the queue can take more calls...and when fewer 
agents are available...callers might hear a greeting indicating delays and 
be given the option to leave voice mail.    Does that sound like a 
reasonable idea?

I thought when I feel really crafty I would make a web interface in 
ColdFusion ( I do not speak PHP yet) and have Asterisk copy config files 
generated by my ColdFusion application from a cronjob to update the running 
Asterisk config.

Thanks in advance for any help...this list is great


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