[Asterisk-Users] IAX Connection - Voicepulse

Ernest W. Lessenger ernest at oacys.com
Thu Feb 19 18:27:44 MST 2004

At 05:15 PM 2/19/2004, you wrote:
>I usually use
>support at voicepulse.com
>they do eventually get back to you.
>We operate a call centre and have offered them an inbound package, but
>it seems they are not interested.
>P.S. Our DID line hasn't been working for around a month now....in the
>process of signing up with other companies....

What other companies have you found? We've used NuFone, but aren't too 
impressed by their payment and CDR interface (i.e. email the salesperson). 
Otherwise they seem to be stable and knowledgeable.


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