[Asterisk-Users] IaxTel: Using IaxTel Numbers As Asterisk DIDs

Steven Sokol ssokol at sokol-associates.com
Mon Feb 16 08:05:50 MST 2004

I was wondering if there was any easy way to direct incoming calls from
IaxTel to specific extensions without having to create a separate context
for each?  It seems to be pretty strait forward with FWD, SIPPhone and other
SIP based services -- you just add /Extension to the end of the

If there isn't any direct way to do that from within the registration
statement, how hard would it be for somebody to work with Mark and create an
edit screen for your IaxTel account that allowed you to set the
context/extension for the call to reach.  That would make the number useful
ONLY as an  Asterisk DID, but that's how many of us use IAXtel.




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