[Asterisk-Users] Segmentation Fault (core dumped)

Adnan Ahmed adnan at xnet.com.pk
Fri Dec 31 10:29:18 MST 2004

i am facing unusual and wiered error in asterisk using Realtime MYSQL 
driver . Asterisk runs well  and smoothly with absoulutely no error or 
warning but everytime  i  power-on  my sip-phone  ,booting, initializes 
and then asterisk suddenly quit with the error.
_*Segmentation Fault (core dumped)*_ i see in 
/var/log/messages,/var/log/asterisk/messages but all is clear no sign of 
any error message or warning, what does its mean its my configs problem 
or something wrong with asterisk i use Latest CVS.  Can i use  Realtime 
odbc instead of Mysql .

> [settings]
> ; Realtime configuration engine
> ;
> ; maps a particular family of realtime
> ; configuration to a given database driver,
> ; database and table (or uses the name of
> ; the family if the table is not specified
> ;
> sipfriends => mysql,asterisk,sip_friends
> res_mysql.conf
> [general]
> dbhost = localhost.localdoamin/
> dbname = asterisk
> dbuser = asterisk
> dbpass = 123456
> dbport = 3306
> dbsock = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock


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