[Asterisk-Users] ASTCC - setup help please

Ronald Wiplinger ronald at elmit.com
Mon Dec 27 01:06:16 MST 2004

I am sure, after I have it setup once, everything will be cristal clear. 
I could not find a documentation, maybe together we can make at least a 
"README" for the next user ;-)

1. Brands:

Brand Name
       Create a brand name you want to market your pre-paid card
       Choose one of the available languages   en, de, fr, es
Published Number
       ???  Guess:  Zap/3-4, how about a remote gateway???
       ??? Choose 6 or 60   seconds for billing ???
Markup (in 1/100 of 1%)

2. Cards:
Create      cards of    pennies
Creates xxxx cards of the choosen brand with a value of xxxx pennies

(I tried here 100 test cards of 1000 pennies and after several hours I 
got an internal server errror)

Create Custom Numbered     cards of    pennies 

(I tried here 886288097680 of brand test of 1000 pennies)

Add Money to Card    In the Amount of     pennies

Add xxx pennies to the card with the number xxxxx

Get information on card      
Shows detail information of the card xxx, like:
a.    Caller*ID
             Caller-ID used for that call - hmm, shouldn't that be only 
one??? Or can it be different per call? Or can card be used for 
different callers?
b.    Called Number
             Destination phone number
c.    Trunk
             Which line has been used
d.    Disposition
e.    Billable Seconds
f.    Billed Cost

Delete card      
Delete the card with the number xxxx, so that it cannot be used anymore 
(set the balance to zero or/and delete all records of it ???)

Reset in use info on card      

3. List Cards 

a. Card Number
b. Amount Used
      example 223
c. Face Value
       example 1000 (amount of a new full card)
d. Markup
e. Creation
    date ???
f. First Use
    date ???
g. Expiration
    date ??? - where to set?
h. In Use

4. Trunks

a. Trunk
    ??? (Zap/3, SIP/sipgate.de/5557772220, IAX2/NuFone .... ?????)
b. Technology
    Choose SIP, IAX2, ZAP, LOCAL
c. Peer/Trunk

5. Routes
??? Needs first to create at least one trunk !!!

6. Configure

Database Configuration      Database of cards??? Where is the brand?

Host                     <database server like "localhost" or>
Username              <user of the database like "astcc">
Password               <password of the user to this database and host>
Database               <database name like "astcc_cards">
Card Legth (4-20)               4 digits for few users up to 20 digits 
difficult to guess
Card Starting Number          first number of the cards
Enter 0 if Not Required        ????
Email New Card Info (YES/NO)   where is the email address?
Admin Email                      my email address ;-)
Email Program                    "sendmail"  (full path???)
Enable Iax/Sip Friends DB (YES/NO)
             ????   what are the consequences for other / not card users???

7. Users Configure

Database Configuration

Host                     <database server like "localhost" or>
Username              <user of the database like "astcc">
Password               <password of the user to this database and host>
Database               <database name like "astcc_users">
Default SIP Context   e.g. "prepaid"
Default IAX Context   e.g. "prepaid"
Default SIP Port         ???
Default IAX Port         ???
Default Reg Seconds   ???
Default Brand            ???  why???
Admin Email              me ;-)
Email Program           "sendmail"  (full path???)

8. IAX Friends
??? needs first to fill in the previous screens

9. SIP Friends
??? needs first to fill in the previous screens

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