[Asterisk-Users] Re: Realtime sipbuddies table structure why?????

Tom Ivar Helbekkmo tih at eunetnorge.no
Sun Dec 26 11:37:32 MST 2004

Brian Capouch <brianc at palaver.net> writes:

> God, I'm sure everyone on the list must be thinking, "Oh, why oh why
> didn't *Greg* write Asterisk instead of Mark; he seems so very much
> smarter. . . "

First: Greg is right, but he's also wrong.  Yes, the schema is broken,
from a theoretical point of view.  However, there are pretty good
reasons for doing things in the quick and dirty fashion that's been
chosen.  One is that a "proper", flexible, schema for the application
would more or less demand a real RDBMS, with writable views.  Ruling
out MySQL would, unfortunately, be seen by many as a Bad Thing.  I'm
not going to come down hard on either side of that discussion here.

However, this attitude that anything Mark does must be right, and can
not be questioned, is seen disconcertingly often in this forum.  It is
counter-productive, and should be discouraged.

Tom Ivar Helbekkmo, Senior System Administrator, EUnet Norway Hosting
www.eunet.no  T +47-22092958 M +47-93013940 F +47-22092901 FWD 484145

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