[Asterisk-Users] RedAlarm (t100p - Adtran Total Access 750)

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Thu Dec 23 10:55:42 MST 2004

> I was curious how people had the timing setup for their T100P and Total 
> Access 750.
> We have been getting Red Alarms once a day for 5 seconds.  I think the 
> line is losing sync and resyncing.
> Currently, it is set like this:
> span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs
> Should I set the channel bank to provide timing or receive timing?

Proper symantics: timing is "always" encoded into a T1/E1 transmit
signal. You can't disable it.

"Clock Sync" on the other hand is a setable option. If the 750 is providing
fxs interfaces to phones, then set the 750 to receive sync from the T100P.
In the majority of cases (regardless of whether fxo or fxs interfaces are
installed), channel banks should be syncing from your asterisk box.

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