[Asterisk-Users] Fw: [digium.com #12961] T100P as bandwidth

Steven Critchfield critch at basesys.com
Thu Dec 23 10:58:19 MST 2004

On Thu, 2004-12-23 at 12:35 -0500, Greg - Cirelle Enterprises wrote:
> At 11:52 AM 12/23/04, you wrote:
> >On December 23, 2004 11:14 am, TC wrote:
> > > but thats the bitch Mark has put years of blood & sweat into it,
> > > now as asterisk start to become much bigger than the single developer/co
> > > how do you divest
> > > that control in a fair/equitable  manner
> >
> >I agree with you on all points -- If Digium needs to make money on hardware
> >then they obviously need to get some decent hardware/driver design done --
> >What we have works for the most part but these ongoing problems and the
> >almost total lack of dialogue is a big issue which *does* hurt future sales.
> >
> >I like Digium.  I want to buy Digium.  But I won't if the support or quality
> >isn't there.  It's really that simple.  Digium's in a hard spot -- spend more
> >money to fix the issues and eat into current revenues, or deal with lower
> >future revenues.  I don't envy them.
> >
> >-A.
> If it aint broke, don't fix it... in this case, it's broke.

Maybe some of the users just aren't up to the task of getting the job
done. My experience thus far has been very good. All the hardware with
the exception of one which was in marginal at best pieces of equipment
has performed perfectly and without fault. 

I currently have a T400P and a T100P in production use and they have
been running non stop for months on end with out a single hardware
related fault nor a single asterisk bug.

I have had a T100P flake out before, but it was in some electrically
difficult environment and on marginal(via) hardware. 

Our enjoyment of the stability has prompted us to buy a TE410P and
another T100P for growth and redundancy.

I think some users need to have their assumptions and values checked to
see how far from reality they are.
Steven Critchfield <critch at basesys.com>

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