[Asterisk-Users] Another Asterisk Certification

Brian West brian at bkw.org
Wed Dec 22 10:47:39 MST 2004

> What started out as a good thing for the community has veared it ugly
> head and will come back to bite us in the ass. I give my respect to the
> two companies that decided to put themselves 'out there' and attempted
> to bring 'real world' certifications of knowledge in an area that is
> unregulated, open, and currently has no measurement of how much one
> person has over another.

I never said this was a bad idea...  And I'm not against it at all if people
wish to pay for it that's fine.  I don't however feel that Steve and the
boys should have a monopoly on it.  From what I was told you'll have to go
to Steve and the boys to buy a franchise to become a trainer and pay ... and
you think $3,275 USD was a lot... just think what they would charge to
become a dCap trainer?!?!?!?  That's one problem with this... ANY company
should be able to signup to become dCap trainers.  The way the whole thing
was presented was what the problem was... things were left out and over
looked that's what I had the most problem with.   Now to be honest if you
were going to pay the 3k for the course you should walk out with a something
like a Dell 420SC and a T1 card for that price.  I feel that would be the
only way to really make it balance at that price.


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