[Asterisk-Users] SMS - how to send one

Shahed shahed at enoor.com
Tue Dec 21 16:29:18 MST 2004

B G wrote:

> I have two phone lines, one for Asterisk and one for the SMS enabled
> fixned phone. I also config the fixed phone to have the SMS Center
> number as the phone number for Asterisk.

This may be a dumb suggestion, but do you have CLI enabled on
your phone line ? I read somewhere that some phones
look for the CLI, before deciding its a data (sms) call.

Also, what happens when you send an SMS from asterisk the the phone ?
1. Does it just keep ringing ?
2. If you pick up the phone, do you hear some tones ?

Your question is of great interest to me. If you do find
a solution, I urge you to please update the Wiki pages.


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