[Asterisk-Users] transfer not working with supervaletparking

Paul Zimm pbzinc at dejazzd.com
Mon Dec 20 13:08:47 MST 2004

I'm running Asterisk CVS-v1-0-12/09/04 with app_supervaletparking.

The problem is, after I park a call and then unpark the call I can no 
longer # transfer
the call on either end. Here is some debug from asterisk

    -- Executing SuperValetParkCall("Zap/11-1", 
"auto|824|180|824|1|home") in new stack
  == Super Valet Parked Zap/11-1 on slot 1
    -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/9-1'
    -- Executing Answer("Zap/9-1", "") in new stack
    -- Executing SuperValetUnparkCall("Zap/9-1", "fifo|824") in new stack
    -- Channel Zap/9-1 connected to SuperValet Parked call 1 in lot 824

At this point I have reconnected with the call but I can't transfer the 
call. The "#"
key gets transmitted through to the other end of the call.

The older version app_valetparking didn't have this problem, but that 
version apparently
doesn't work with Asterisk. 1.0+

It's a great app :)  please help!

Marv Horst

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