[Asterisk-Users] TDM120 card, GPL and digum cards.

Shahed shahed at enoor.com
Sun Dec 19 19:59:59 MST 2004

Hi All,

> Personally I don't really approve of a company just taking Digium's 
> design and cloning it. Based on the information on ipvolution.com, it 
> doesn't look like that's what Atacomm is doing.  

Are the digium cards (or maybe just the digital ones) themselves
not based on the opensource design of zapatatelephony.org ?

AFAIK, ipvolution would have to make any code that asterisk
links against, available under GPL. So if they make their drivers
and channel code available, its OK (??).

What about their propiotary hardware dsp stuff ? Do they have to
make that code available too, before anyone can use asterisk with
their hardware ??

I wonder if, when their card is released, if it does affect digium,
would that perhaps affect asterisk itself ??

The only reason I ask is because, such questions are always raised
by sceptics, when they consider big companies Vs Opensource PBX.
i.e Question of stability and continiuaty of the project.


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