[Asterisk-Users] How to tell "Who's Online"?

Matt Riddell matt.riddell at sineapps.com
Thu Dec 16 18:10:32 MST 2004

Brent Goran wrote:
> I've been trying to find a simple way to check "who's online", meaning
> who is reachable at the moment, without actually going through and
> dialing everybody. Is there a way to do this with Asterisk? I am sorry
> if I'm missing something obvious, but I couldn't find any console
> command to show users online.

I have developed a few apps for windows to show this information 
(including latency in ms).

You can download one of the five (depending on what you want in it) from 


Matt Riddell

http://www.sineapps.com/news.php (Daily Asterisk News - html)
http://www.sineapps.com/rssfeed.php (Daily Asterisk News - rss)

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