[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Realtime IAX - Adding fields

Jason Goecke jsgoecke at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 15 06:45:53 MST 2004


Based on the behavior I have seen, the IAX.conf file
is necessary, as it is still picking up the [general]
section and registeration commands from there.  If  I
remove that, how does one add the general settings and
register commands to the realtime database?

All I have removed from the iax.conf are the
user/peer/friend definitions.  Appears to work based
on that (with VoIPJet, FWD, TelIAX, etc), just not
with Voicepuslse.


--- Bruce Komito <brucek at bagel.com> wrote:

> If you have iax.conf on /etc/asterisk, the iax
> configuration will be
> loaded from there and not from what is specified in
> the realtime config.
> Remove the iax.conf file if you haven't already.
> Bruce Komito
> High Sierra Networks, Inc.
> www.servers-r-us.com
> (775) 236-5815

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