[Asterisk-Users] The correct way to get most recent stable

Eric Wieling aka ManxPower eric at fnords.org
Mon Dec 13 16:00:22 MST 2004

Matthew Boehm wrote:
> OK. I just downloaded asterisk-1.0.3.tar.gz and did a 'cvs co -r v1-0
> asterisk' into 2 seperate directories.
> I then did 'diff -ur asterisk-cvs/ asterisk-1.0.3/' and there were source
> code line differences between the two.
> Some code that was in asterisk-cvs wasn't in asterisk-1.0.3 and vice versa.
> Which of those is "the most recent"? If someone wants to use cvs to get the
> most-up-to-date-STABLE-version of asterisk, what is the correct cvs co
> command?

"cvs co -r v1-0 asterisk zaptel libpri" is what will become the next 
release of the 1.0.x branch (currently 1.0.4 I assume).


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