[Asterisk-Users] Sipura SPA-841

Kristian Kielhofner kris at krisk.org
Thu Dec 9 08:30:40 MST 2004

Jay Milk wrote:
> Froogle found me one supplier for the SPA-841, not sure I trust them
> though.  Does this phone even exist yet?  Does anyone have any
> experience with it?  Does anyone know a vendor other than
> Atacomm/voipsupply?


	I just talked to someone at Voxilla who told me the phone should be 
arriving any day now.  But, we all know how that goes.  It could be 
weeks, months, or maybe a couple of days.  I personally, hope they are 
accurate.  (I pre-ordered one a while ago).

Kristian Kielhofner

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