[Asterisk-Users] Re: I need very fast quick info how to setup ISDN card

Stefan Tichy asterisk at pi4tel.de
Mon Dec 6 16:09:34 MST 2004

On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 10:11:56PM +0000, Corvin wrote:
> I am sitting on thos problem whole day I have never ISDN 
> card in my life. Now I have to runn asterisk with 4 cards very quickly.
> I have installed chapi_chan and now I pached and recompiled kernel 2.8.1
> for mISDN but I don't know how to check that cards are working and should 
> look next step
> Thanks again for any help I'm Asterisk newbie.

There is a Linux 2.6 and mISDN HowTo:


In this text the avmfritz module is used. In case of one hfc card it
should be:

modprobe hfcpci protocol=0x2 layermask=0x1f

If you want to use chan_capi, it has to be TE mode. NT mode is not

Hfc based ISDN cards will generate lots of interrupts. Interrupt
sharing will cause problems.

A solution would be to use a quadBRI card instead of the 4 HFC cards
and bristuff instead of misdn/chan_capi.

Stefan Tichy   <asterisk at pi4tel.de>

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