FALSE ALARM Re: [Asterisk-Users] SIP SECURITY WARNING: v1-0 (cvs today) sip context in general section ignored goes to default instead - allowing unauthorized sip devices to place calls in default context

Andrew Kohlsmith akohlsmith-asterisk at benshaw.com
Fri Dec 3 18:15:33 MST 2004

On December 3, 2004 07:47 pm, Andy Reinke wrote:

Not only are you overdramatic but you're also posting in HTML.

Please, please PLEASE remove your head from your ass, READ THE DOCUMENTATION 
and UNDERSTAND it before you decide you're the next best Asterisk security 

You say you've been using asterisk for a while now -- which means that you 
should know better than to 

1) post HTML to this list
2) post a security alert without ASKING if this is the intended behaviour

and, at least in my mind,

3) had a basic understanding of how Asterisk routes incoming call requests to 

I mean come on -- Did the thrill of being the first with a 0day exploit for 
Asterisk overrule your common sense?


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