[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Problem or Polycom Problem

Adam Goryachev mailinglists at websitemanagers.com.au
Thu Dec 2 18:17:34 MST 2004

On Fri, 2004-12-03 at 11:25, Eric Rees wrote:
> Thanks for you suggestion, but the last time I tried this I was talking
> to a person and it cut me off.  But I will try what you suggested.

You could also try adding a "Answer" to your extensions.conf just before
you dial... ie, answer the local channel, then dial the remote channel,
I have no idea what this would really do, but it is worth a try.

Also, it would help if we knew which side terminated the call.
>     -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'
> >   == Spawn extension (sip, 91877xxxxxxx, 1) exited non-zero on
> > 'SIP/1001-058c'

>From this, I assume we should be able to work this out, but I'm not 
entirely sure. It kinda looks like zap/1-1 hungup, which caused the sip
extension to exit 'non-zero'. Alternatively, it could be the SIP channel
hungup, therefore the zap/1-1 was hungup, and then the sip channel 
exited non-zero....

So, anyone know exactly how this works? It would be even better if everytime
a channel hungup, we printed which channel hungup, AND why.

-- Hungup 'Zap/1-1' (Detected busycount=5)
-- Hungup 'SIP/user' (Requested dis-connect)
-- Hungup 'SIP/user' (no response, IP timeout)
-- Hungup 'Zap/20-1' (Signalled remote disconnect - polarity)
-- Hungup 'Zap/20-1' (Local disconnect request - extensions.conf)


This would assist all these people with random hangups finding out 
it is because of the callprogress, network dropouts, etc... On PRI style lines,
we could also print the actual PRI reason code.

Just my thoughts on this...


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