[Asterisk-Users] PRI litmus test

Joe Greco jgreco at ns.sol.net
Wed Dec 1 07:20:51 MST 2004

> Hi all,
> I'm diagnosing a problem related to PRI card.  I would
> like to know the following: assuming I've got a
> working PRI card and correctly installed Linux drivers
> and a PRI line connected to the card, even without
> starting asterisk, shouldn't I hear a ring tone when I
> dial the number?  I'm getting busy tone all the time.

I'm guessing that without anything on the PC actually communicating with 
the PRI card, it's about as dumb as a brick (no higher level protocol layer).

PRI will usually show busy when the switch doesn't see anything on the 
other side of the circuit.  This allows correct operation of multi-span
installations where one span goes bad.

Try running something on the PC which actually sets up the ISDN card and
talks to the switch.  Good bet that it'll suddenly start working.

... JG
Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net
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