[Asterisk-Users] <<< MEETME_AGI_BACKGROUND inside MEET ME>>>

jeff quade jjq90 at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 12 06:11:10 MST 2004


Spent a couple of days on this issue:

>THE PRACTICAL APPLICATION here is to have a ZAP channel conference LEADER, 
>who would be able to launch "canned" audio presentations (of regional sales 
>data) into an existing conference, via a PHP AGI_BACKGROUND script using 
>the "GET DATA" or "STREAM FILE" AGI commands.

It seems (at least I cant find a way) that there is **NO WAY** to play 
pre-recorded audio into a conference **Through manipulation of the 
dialplan*** via AGI or directly via a new channel set-up from Manager.

As far as I can tell upon review of the source, suggestions from the group, 
and just plain trial and error:

The MeetMe MUX (ie: careful write() function in MeetMe) happily mixes SIP or 
ZAP channel voice traffic from within the main Channel thread-- but bypasses 
the **CONFRENCE MUX** when audio is sent via any MEETME_AG_BACKGROUND script 
**FORKED OFF** of the main channel thread.

(Upon review of the source this makes sense! As Tony suggested its **NOT** 
launching the AGI thats a problem-- Its the audio MUX.)

Seems to me there has got to be a simple way to get this functionality 
without hacking into the source---- HAve I missed something obvious? Perhaps 
something via a loopback local channel?

Any ideas?


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