[Asterisk-Users] h323 direkt call instead over GK
Thomas Kuepper
tk at teldafax.de
Mon Aug 9 04:25:17 MST 2004
for incomming calls, i have set an gatekkeper in h323.conf.
outgoing calls wich are no sip endpoints should be sent to a h323
gateway, not the gatekeeper. If i disable the Gatekeeper, all non sip
calls are routed to the Gateway. If i enable the Gatekeeper, the calls
are send to the gatekeeper. here is my extensoin for the gateway. Why
das asterisk send all calls to the gatekeeper instead of to the
exten => _X.,1,Dial(H323/h323:${EXTEN}@IP)
Thomas Küpper
01063 Telecom GmbH & Co. KG
Mottmannstr. 2
53842 Troisdorf
Telefon: 02241-9434-506
Telefax: 02241-9434-846
E-Mail: thomas.kuepper at 01063telecom.de
E-Mail: tk at teldafax.de
Homepage: http://www.01063telecom.de
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