Andres andres at telesip.net
Fri Aug 6 16:42:19 MST 2004

>Someone should try a multiprocessor solution with 4 E1's and some
>transcoding and see where the limit really is.  Should be easy enough if you
>have 2 boxes available - running 4 E1's on one to generate calls to 4 E1's
>on the other.
The Digium page quotes:

"Dual Xeon 2.8GHz processors resulted in 80 concurrent calls. The G.729 
codec works with all Digium cards."

But I must really wonder what the difference is between one and two 
processors.  Could it be 10, 20, 30 calls??  I think Digium would sell 
more hardware if they sat down and benchmarked these things.  Otherwise 
companies prefer to go with Cisco or other more expensive gear but they 
will be sure it will handle the number of calls they want.

Network Admin

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