[Asterisk-Users] Difficulty evaluating the return value of PlayBack (or any other extensions.conf command

Andreas Sikkema andreas.sikkema at ritstele.com
Fri Aug 6 07:02:22 MST 2004


I just started to "play" with Asterisk today and while I'm 
writing some IVR-like functionality in extensions.conf I 
would like to take a decision based on whether playing a file 

exten => s,2,GotoIf($[Playback(${CALLERIDNUM}_personal) = 0]?3,501) 

So if Playback succeeds I want to jump to label 3, otherwise to 
label 500. Unfortunately Asterisk doesn't seem to understand what 
I want it to do:
Aug  6 15:46:42 NOTICE[524301]: pbx.c:4700 pbx_builtin_gotoif: Not taking any branch

I've been looking all over the wiki and google, but can't find 
any example doing what I want to do. Is it even possible?

Andreas Sikkema                Rits tele.com
Scheepmakersstraat 11      3011 VH Rotterdam
t: +31 (0)10 2245544    f: +31 (0)10 2245540

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