[Asterisk-Users] shared voicemail

Wayne Wayne at planetWayne.com
Thu Aug 5 10:57:02 MST 2004

Seth Remington wrote:

>In voicemail.conf set up your Admin mailbox:
>101 => 101,Admin Mailbox,,,delete=1
>This will allow you to record your Admin prompt but the delete=1 will
>auto delete the message from this mailbox. Then in extensions.conf:
>exten => 2,1,Voicemail(101&102&103&104)
>Change the extension and priority to what you need but the gist of it is
>the mail will be left in all of the mailboxes that are concatenated with
>'&' and the prompt from the first one in the list will be used.

Cool - was after the same kinda thing myself (just hadn't got round to 
looking yet :)) - anyways... you say that the mail is left in each of 
the extension mailboxes - is this 1 single copy that everyone can 
retrieve or 1 unique copy in each mailbox...

The question being - if extension 102 went into voicemail and listened 
to and deleted a 'group message' does it still exists for extensions 103 
and 104 to which they then have to go into their mailbox and delete the 
(hope that makes sense)


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