[Asterisk-Users] Softphone - Freeware?!

Nicolas Gudino nicolas at house.com.ar
Mon Aug 2 11:01:28 MST 2004

Hi Eric,

On Sat, 2004-07-31 at 17:55, Eric Bart wrote:
> > >I don't understand why sipura can do consultative transfer
> > >and why grandstream can't. They're both SIP, aren't they ?
> > >  
> >
> > They use different sip stacks... and yes, they are both sip.
> Maybe the sipura transfer is using a sip reinvite or some 
> other SIP command. 
> Does the consultative transfer works when the other parties are 
> not attached to a sipura phone (ie when a sipura phone try to 
> make a consultative transfer from a grandstream to a snom) ?

It works with ZAP FXO, Sipuras and Grandstream phones. The sipura is
able of 3way conferences by itself. The consultative transfer is a kind
of 3way conference for the Sipura.. 

> >From what you said, I believe that asterisk is not managing
> these consulative transfers and is not aware of. These are 
> inter-phone communications (peer to peer). Each peer has to 
> understand each other, which is not easy when mixing multiple 
> technologies.

I think that the peers only need to understand how to handle a sip
invite. Any sip user agent will do. All the magic is done inside the

PS: I'm not affiliated in any way to Sipura. I just like their products.

Best regards,

Nicolas Gudino <nicolas at house.com.ar>
House Internet S.R.L.

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